Sheep Show

Chesterville Fair Sheep Show

Sunday August 24th, 2025, 10 am

Committee: Kim Link, Carol Johnson , Blair Dow

Entries can be made online at

Sheep can arrive between 8 am and 9:30 am at the Chesterville Livestock Barn Sunday August 24th, 2025.

Judging will start at 10 am.

Sheep must remain on the fairgrounds until 4:00 pm Sunday August 24th, 2025.

Entries must be received by August 18th, 2025.

Exhibitors must be members of the Chesterville and District Agricultural Society.

Rules and Regulations

1. All animals must have an approved CFIA tag.

2. All animals must be registered in the name of the exhibitor.

3. Entries must include animal name, date of birth, and registration number along with the name and registration number of the sire and dam.

4. An administration fee of 25 % will be deducted from prize money earned.

5. All classes, with the exception of AOB long wool, must show with less than 1 inch of wool.

6. An exhibitor may show a maximum of 6 head per breed and a maximum of 3 head in any one section of individual classes.

7. The committee reserves the right to request the removal from the sheep barn any animal showing evidence of infectious disease.

8. The sheep committee reserves the right to combine breed classes if numbers warrant.

9. Dress code for exhibitors – white shirt and black pants.

Breeding Sheep Classifications

30. Suffolk

31. North Country Cheviot

32. Hampshire

33. Any Other Meat Breed

34. Any Other Long Wool Breed

The following applies to Classes 30 to 34:

Prizes: 1st: $60, 2nd: $50, 3rd: $40, 4th: $30, 5th: $25, 6th: $20, 7th: $13, 8th: $10, 9th: $8, 10th: $6


Yearling Ewe


Ewe Lamb


Yearling Ram


Ram Lamb


Get of Sire (Three lambs sired by the same ram)


Breeders Flock (Animals bred and owned by the exhibitor)

35. Commercial Classes

Prizes: 1st: $50, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $30, 4th: $25, 5th: $20, 6th: $15, 7th: $10


Ewe Lamb (Born in 2025)


Yearling Ewe (Born in 2024)


Pair of commercial ewes

36. Junior Show - Youth Under 21 years of age

Prizes: 1st: $25, 2nd: $20, 3rd: $15, 4th: $10, others: $5


Ewe Lamb Born 2025


Market Lamb Born 2025


Novice Showmanship (8 and under years old)


Junior Showmanship (9 -12 years)


Intermediate Showmanship (13 - 15 years)


Senior Showmanship (16 - 20 years)

